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Gordon Pask’s conversation theory


Although it is conceded (as argued by many) that distinct knowledge domains do presentparticular problems of coming to know, in this paper it is argued that it is possible (anduseful) to construct a domain independent model of the processes of coming to know, onein which observers share understandings and do so in agreed ways. The model inquestion is part of the conversation theory (CT) of Gordon Pask. CT, as a theory oftheory construction and communication, has particular relevance for foundational issuesin science and science education. CT explicitly propounds a “radical constructivist” (RC)epistemology. A brief account is given of the main tenets of RC and CT’s place in thattradition and the traditions of cybernetics. The paper presents a brief non-technicalaccount of the main concepts of CT including elaborations by Laurillard and Harri-Augstein and Thomas. As part of CT, Pask also elaborated a methodology – knowledgeand task analysis – for analysing the structure of different knowledge domains; thismethodology is sketched in outline.

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